Saturday, October 18, 2008


Do you want to talk about random? I believe that is why you came.  Let's talk about a game that is all about the random!  A game that has players sitting under tables, talking like pirates, or even yelling "All hail the Chinese cheese biscuit" whenever a 1 is rolled on the die.  A game that, on the box, says it includes "1 giant invisible harpoon* (*It's invisible for a reason, use it wisely)"
Quelf only seems to be available on-line, but it is definitely worth the buy, especially if you have a group of friends that are willing to get a little crazy to win a game. I know people that don't like to sit through board games that were asking to play again as soon as the game ended.  I don't want to give a lot away but if you like random, I would definitely check it out!

1 comment:

DGreh said...

Hmmmm... I'll have to randomly ponder this one